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Bridge to Nowhere


Her favourite thing about this town is the bridge across the water

It’s the perfect place for working through your thoughts under the sun

It carried one last load of coal back when she was someone’s daughter

But her folks passed not long after the final train had run


The mine collapsed the same year that the mill was slowing down

Anyone with half the means picked up and moved away

Before then she had everything she needed in this town

But now she tends the bar where she sells some pills to keep the bills at bay


There’s a sorrow in the comfort of growing up where you will die

When you don’t know any different you don’t know how to live a lie

You wont’t even change the picture that came in the frame

But Truth be told there’s nothing here that that’ll ever be the same


At 15 he dropped out of school because he wasn’t gonna make it

They said he had the kind of look to maybe find a bit of fame

When he made the promise to get out he didn’t plan to break it

But no one’s keen to hire some kid who can barely spell his name


There’s a sorrow in the comfort of growing up where you will die

When you don’t know any different you don’t know how to live a lie

You wont’t even change the picture that came in the frame

But Truth be told there’s nothing here that that’ll ever be the same


They both just kinda settled here for the best of what’s around

Neither one was staring down the barrel of a loaded gun

When your dreams are so damned far away it’s tough to chase them down

‘Cause it takes so much to move at all and even more to run


There’s a sorrow in the comfort of growing up where you will die

When you don’t know any different you don’t know how to live a lie

You wont’t even change the picture that came in the frame

But Truth be told there’s nothing here that that’ll ever be the same



To Mend


You’ve been having trouble sleeping

Because your worries hiss and growl at night and hide behind the door

So here’s my armour, you can take it off my chest

I don’t think I need it anymore


When it hurts you can’t help but feel like you’re broken

But I know how just far you can bend in the wind

And The moments you long for will wait while you’re taking the time

that is needed to mend


Why aren’t the gods to whom they’re praying

The ones among us healing minds and bodies with just their mortal hands?

It will cost them much more than the tithes that they’re taking

When they sign off on those less-than-Holy Plans


When it hurts you can’t help but feel like you’re broken

But I know how just far you can bend in the wind

And the end of the world won’t come just because we’re taking the time

that is needed to mend


You’re worn to the bone. And you’re tired of chasing

The same damn things you’re always running from

The devil you know is the devil you’re facing

And we’ve got a few more angels yet to come


When it hurts you can’t help but feel like you’re broken

But I know how just far you can bend in the wind

The moments we long for will wait while we’re taking the time

that is needed to mend

And The end of the world won’t come just because we’re taking the time

that is needed to mend



Circle K


Well I’m stopped to top up on caffeine and gasoline This Circle K’s just like the one a mile or two from anywhere

And the sky it looks angry like it’s breathing smoke and it looks more like ashes coming down and less like snow

And it’s bad news, this I’m telling you and I won’t bow for mercy even if you move to prosecute the bearer

And then execute the judge by trial and error


And there’s no good reason

Legal or otherwise

That we can’t figure out a plan to push around this weather


Another notch on the coffee card like a scarred up passport stamped in every town assaulted out along the way

And lately I have found that when I look around at faces of folks that I’ll likely only see today

It’s hard to read the meaning in their eyes when it resembles something between apathy and terror

And they don’t know what to make of a ragged wayfarer

And there’s no good reason

Legal or otherwise

That we can’t figure out a plan to push around this weather

And there’s no good reason

Legal or otherwise

That we can’t tear into the heart of it together


Well I stopped praying long before I even learned to talk but I believe in right and wrong and rigged and fair

And that beauty’s in the eyes of the wearer


And there’s no good reason

Legal or otherwise

That we can’t figure out a plan to push around this weather

And there’s no good reason

Legal or otherwise

That we have to turn around and head for shelter

Let’s tear into the heart of it together


I’m stopped to top up on caffeine and gasoline This Circle K’s just like the one a mile or two from anywhere



Someone's Favourite Song


You might never see my name up in lights on a sign

And if I'm on the road to fame right now it's a real damn crooked line

I haven't been this far from home in a long time

But it's the only way I know to earn a dime


There's still a few more mountains left in front of me

The fields of smoke and fire won't steer me wrong

I've weathered the storm and I can't wait to see my family

But up here tonight I'm singing someone's favourite song


I've only just been two weeks gone but tonight it feels like more

This time round the road hit back a little harder than before

I haven't had this far to go in a long time

But I can't turn around before we reach the western shore


There's still a few more mountains left in front of me

The fields of smoke and fire won't steer me wrong

I've weathered the storm and I can't wait to see my family

But up here tonight I'm singing someone's favourite song


We haven't been this far apart in a long time

But somehow you feel closer than before


There's still a few more mountains left in front of me

The fields of smoke and fire won't steer me wrong

I've weathered the storm and I can't wait to see my family

But up here tonight I'm singing someone's favourite song



Ready To Say


Silent Night

Oh Holy night

When the doctor said you wouldn’t see the new year

I guess that she was right

All of the gifts that I brought you are underneath the tree

Still wrapped up as are the ones that you gave to me


And If you don’t mind

I’m gonna take my time

Until I’m ready to say goodbye


There’s no angel watching from atop this tree

It’s a banged up tinfoil star that we made as a family

At least it’s the time of the season where I won’t have to spend so much time alone

Because Our kids and their kids and their kids are on the way back home


And if you don’t mind

It’s gonna take some time

Until They’re Ready To say goodbye


You used to laugh that because of my singing you’d be first to go

And If I get to see you again I’m sure you’ll remind me… that you told me so


On this Silent night

this Holy night

I don’t know if anything in my world will ever seem as bright again


And if you don’t mind

It’s not quite time

I’m not ready to say


But if you don’t mind

It’s not quite time

I’m not ready to say goodbye with you



Inside Out


I wasn’t high when I caught her eye in the mirror on the wall

I could almost see her standing in my hall

But it was just a daydream telling me it’s time

To start again and take back what was mine


I said goodbye and I packed my bags and I brought them to the door

Then I lit a match on some memories that were lying on the floor

If only I could have found a way that it didn’t have to burn

But inside out was the only way to turn


I went walking through the streets of home and talking to the sky

But it wasn’t getting clearer in case it looks like I didn’t try

There’s no complication in my own company

I can search for all my answers while no one looks for me


Since I said goodbye and I packed my bags and I brought them to the door

Then I lit a match on some memories that were lying on the floor

If only I could have found a way that it didn’t have to burn

But inside out was the only way to turn


I can’t see the very top from here but I’ve bounced a long way up from the bottom

No damned thanks to anything that I told myself back then

It took a hard while to come around my legs were bound until I put down the bottle

Although I’d like to blackout those days I can’t disremember when


I said goodbye and I packed my bags and I brought them to the door

Then I lit a match on some memories that were lying on the floor

If only I could have found a way that it didn’t have to burn

But inside out was the only way to turn



The Workaround


Before your daddy left this earth

He taught you all he knew

About folks who were born with more melanin than you

You never thought to ask the question – was any of it true?

So I guess it stands to reason that the hate inside you grew


So when a man came knocking at your door

As neighbours often do

You knew just from the looks of him what you had to do

When the pleasantries were over

You’d already thought it through

And followed him into the night

His back was turned to you


When you pushed him down

Raised that gun you “found”

So you could “stand your ground”

The law provides this workaround


But son you failed to realize

That a camera saw it too

It’s testimony clearly shows

He didn’t have a clue

Why you pushed him down

Raised that gun you “found”

So you could “stand your ground”

You thought you had a workaround


5 years in a federal cage

Was the best that they could do

They knew a jury of your pallid peers

Would sympathize with you


They couldn’t strap you down

While his family gathered round

To commity you to the ground

Because You took the plea as a workaround


But In there it didn’t matter

What flag your daddy flew

When your cell-block neighbours came around to say goodnight to you


They pushed you down

Wrapped that belt around

Your neck to lift you off the ground

They found a better workaround





I've had lots of heroes come and go

But so few have stood the test of time

So I guess it never seems to me as strange

When one goes down a new one's found the world goes round

Safely on the sidelines

The best seats in the whole damned place

There's no dirt and there's no danger

You just play the game you wait you watch it's not the same


I'm just young enough to realize

That I'm not too old to try

To switch it on and not just be a passerby


The loves I've lost the things that bring me pain

Are too easy to deny

To bundle up and bury in the ground

I could adore or just ignore my inner war

When it's time to pack up and move on

And throw it all aside

You can't forget the wisdom you have earned

The compromises or the lies that no one buys


I'm just young enough to realize

That I'm not too old to try

To switch it on and not just be a passerby


As a father and a brother and a son

There are many debts to pay

My best it better be just good enough

To keep them safe to keep me sane to ascertain

What went right and what went oh so wrong

Lessons learned on the flipside

I'm young enough, I'm old enough I'm cold enough

To speak my mind I won't relent I won't rewind


I'm just young enough to realize

That I'm not too old to try

To switch it on and not just be a passerby

A passerby



First-World War


You followed the leaders

And you hoped that they’d do you no harm

You didn’t see the ambush waiting

You walked straight in – your head held high, and totally unarmed


The times I tried to warn you

You wouldn’t talk to me at all

Even though we were still sleeping in the same damn bed

You wouldn’t break with protocol


You didn’t mean to start this war

It’s like you don’t remember what we’re even fighting for

But here we are just firing blind

Defending either side of an imaginary line


Wading through the information they gave to you

You sounded the alarm

And decided that the greatest of the evils

Was a needle in his little leg cradled in his mother’s arms


You didn’t mean to start this war

It’s like you don’t remember what we’re even fighting for

But here we are just firing blind

Defending either side of an imaginary line


And even now that he’s done breathing

You swear to God that you were right


You didn’t mean to start this war

It’s like you don’t remember what we’re even fighting for

And now you’re absolutely sure

That there’s no need to grieve him anymore

And you tell the world with pride

That he’s better off waiting for you on the other side



Bury Me


November winds blow and I'm the last leaf left upon the tree

Beside a lonesome bird who sings a song of warning

And when that bird flies the branch I'm on is left to tremble

And with one last gust it's over


When I let go yeah the winter's gonna come

When the light of day shatters on the snow

And the frozen ground - soon it will become my new home


And in the springtime when I'm still cold and lying here

After icy chains give way to the warming

When that bird returns to watch over the season

New leaves bud upon that branch they take my place


When I let go the winter's gonna come

When the light of day shatters on the snow

And the frozen ground - soon it will become my new home


There's no way back for me

There's no way back for me

So why don't you bury me

Come on and bury me

Why don’t you bury me

Come on and bury me


November winds blow now you're the last leaf left upon the tree





A storm surge ripped through here a little earlier today

Without any kind of warning sign that it was coming

And now the house across the road looks like it’s on fire

But the colour of the sky is fucking stunning


And I am looking for some meaning in this flood of information I can’t trust

And I’ve been sinking like a stone in brackish water long enough to feel my bones

begin to rust

One might say I’m here today for reasons that I’d rather not discuss

So I’m overcompensating


We went strolling down the boardwalk just the other day

For the life of me I still can’t place the song that you were humming

You insisted that you’d never tell with mischief in your eyes

And It would piss me off if you didn’t make it so damned funny


I’m lying here tired of wading through this flood of information I can’t trust

And I’ve been sinking like a stone in brackish water long enough to feel my bones

begin to rust

One might say I’m here today for reasons that I’d rather not discuss

So I’m overcompensating


When they cut into my mind they took enough to buy another year or so with you

Temporarily it seems to have improved my sinking situation

At least the house across the road isn’t really on fire

What they left behind is to thank for these hallucinations


There’s urgency to find a bit of meaning before I return to dust

I know that I’ll be leaving you behind and that in time you will adjust

But where we go from here isn’t something that we’re ready to discuss

We can’t just sit here waiting

But we’re overcompensating



Your Parade


I know today left you cryin’

I just hope tomorrow won’t kick you down too

You’ve been out there defying

The odds and the obstacles that you break through


Don’t let the sun chase you into the shadows

And don’t let the rain slow down your parade

Except for a minute to look back on the difference you’ve made

You’ve made


Have you noticed that lately

More and more people are changing their view

And hope is innately

Arising from all of the things that you do


Don’t let the sun chase you into the shadows

And don’t let the rain slow down your parade

Except for a minute to look back on the difference you’ve made


Some days it’s harder to know what to do

When the light in the distance has faded from view

Just know that some folks aren’t ready for someone like you


And don’t let the sun chase you into the shadows

And don’t let the rain slow down your parade

Except for a minute to look back on the difference you’ve made


So don’t let the sun chase you into the shadows

And don’t let the rain slow down your parade

Except for a minute to look back on the difference

Oh except for a minute to look back on the difference

You’ve made

You’ve made

©2018 by Colin Fowlie Music

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